Through exclusive alliances, Canspan Film Factory creates a financing division specializing in audiovisual investments with initial funds to co-produce a minimum of ten films in the next two years.
Canspan will collaborate with co-producers which have projects with partial financing in place requiring additional financing to support their budgets with funds guaranteed by internationally established financial institutions.
Based on qualifying criteria, Canspan Film Factory is able to provide up to 70% of a project’s total budget. Canspan Film Factory would deal with the financial institutions directly in order to process all pertinent and legal documentation required to obtain the necessary project financing of the interested partner. Canspan will also be able to finance up to 100% of total project budget assuming that the co-producer provides distribution agreements and certain essential collaterals already in place.
This type of strategic alliance opens the door for local and international co-productions to have projects financed such as television series which are universal in nature and produced from any part of the world.